Program Overview
Our 30-unit program offers a rigorous, yet flexible mix of courses that integrate environmental science with policy and management knowledge. Students have the option for a concentration in Ecology, Water Management, Environmental Health & Hazards, or Energy and Climate, and can obtain a GIS certificate. Graduates become experts in their discipline, gain practical skills and conduct applied research to advance towards their next career step within environmental management.
The Master's Project
The Master's Project serves as a capstone to the program. The project requires in-depth study of an environmental issue in the student's area of interest that has a strong science basis and leads to management strategies. Each student designs and develops their Master's Project in consultation with their research adviser. Students also meet with their adviser in small groups to discuss their research progress. The Master’s Project culminates in a professional report and a conference-style presentation. A thesis option is available.
Geospatial Technology Certificate
MSEM students have the opportunity to earn a GIS certificate by taking 5 courses. Those courses count both towards the MSEM degree and, at the end of the course series, students earn a GIS certificate.
MSEM/MBA Dual Degree
The MSEM/MBA dual degree offers students the opportunity to gain skills in both environmental management and business. This unique program prepares students for careers in corporate sustainability, clean tech, environmental finance, and other emerging fields. The 58 or 66-unit program (part-time or full-time MBA) awards two graduate degrees — an MSEM and MBA — with a savings of 12 units.