USFs downtown Howard Street campus.

Taxation, MLST

Build tax law expertise and jump start your career

In the Master of Legal Studies in Taxation (MLST) program, accounting and finance professionals can study tax law alongside practicing lawyers and law students. MLST students who want to build their knowledge of tax law take courses alongside LLM in Taxation students who are practicing lawyers, learning from the program's faculty of preeminent scholars.

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Deadlines and application instructions for the Taxation, MLST.

Program Highlights

With flexible options around enrollment, classes scheduled around the U.S. Tax busy season and individualized attention and support, the MLST program will equip you with the skills and specialized knowledge to launch a tax law career, or move your existing practice forward. 

The program is headquartered at USF’s Downtown Campus, in the heart of San Francisco’s financial district. Merit Scholarships are available to applicants and up to 12 JD transfer credits from a specialized introductory course in tax law for MLST students is offered.

I am so grateful to be able to earn my MLST online with USF because the flexibility is invaluable. My master’s in tax law gives me an edge over other accountants. It shows I have the knowledge and competency to give valuable advice.”

Kymbirley Brake MLST ’17 Chief Financial Officer, Accountant, and Enrolled Agent at Patch MD

Taxation, MLST

101 Howard Street
San Francisco, CA 94105
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