School of Law News

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Passion for Justice

Monica Valencia JD ’17 credits “rebellious lawyering” for her successful representation of a young woman who fled gender-based violence in Guatemala with her two young children.

October 13, 2022
Equipped to Lead and Succeed

Third-year law student Hubert Liu was steeped early in the culture of Earth stewardship at his Buddhist boarding school in Northern California.

October 4, 2022
Faculty & Staff Achievements

Professor Tim Iglesias, a former Jesuit, leader in housing law and pioneer of meditation in lawyering, is retiring after 20 years teaching at USF Law.

August 9, 2022
Faculty & Staff Achievements

Professor Lara Bazelon has been named the School of Law’s new associate dean for faculty scholarship.

July 28, 2022
Equipped to Lead and Succeed
June 3, 2022
Equipped to Lead and Succeed

For the first time since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, USF Law graduates, alumni, faculty and staff came together in person to welcome the Class of 2022 into the alumni community.

May 27, 2022
Engaged Learning

What are the habits shared by some of USF Law’s most distinguished and successful alumni? Associate Professor Katie Moran ‘16 and Adjunct Professor Jerome Hawkins ‘16 have identified seven.

May 16, 2022
Passion for Justice

A group of USF law students helped to exonerate a man this month — 30 years after he was convicted of a murder he did not commit.

April 29, 2022
Passion for Justice

Wendy Betts JD ’13 is helping people in Ukraine use their smartphones to document Russian attacks, the first step toward prosecuting war crimes in the courts.

April 6, 2022