Equipped to Lead and Succeed

McAuliffe Honor Society Welcomes Top 1L Students

Earlier this semester, USF School of Law honored high performing 1L students and inducted them into the McAuliffe Honor Society.

The Honor Society, named after USF alumnus Florence M. McAuliffe, selects top first year students primarily on the basis of their academic performance. Students receive a scholarship and benefit from faculty mentorship and access to special events.

The 2020 McAuliffe Honor Society inductees include Vincent Goble, Chase Laurent, and Liza Sternik, who graciously spoke with us about their experiences this year at USF Law:

Vincent Goble

Vincent Goble

Why did you choose to study law at USF? USF brings a diversity of perspectives into the classroom and welcomes dialogue between the students. I also chose USF because of its excellent track-record in producing ethical, well-trained lawyers who have impactful legal careers.

What has been your experience with USF Law faculty? My experience with faculty has been interesting in that each individual professor provides unique insight into their area of expertise. Each faculty member also helps students understand the professional and human components of being a lawyer.

Chase Laurent

Chase Laurent

Tell us about your experience this year. My entire 1L experience at USF has been AMAZING, particularly because I had the privilege of getting involved and learning from the most intelligent and kind professors. Three experiences stick out to me in particular as moments that I’ll cherish forever: (1) when Professor Michelle Travis gave every student a key to congratulate us on finishing our first semester in law school; (2) Judge Lynn Duryee‘s motivating weekly videos that made online learning much more bearable; and (3) spontaneous potlucks in Professor Adam Abelkop’s LRWA class! I like the familiar environment that USF’s J.D. program breeds. Each member of the faculty and staff, from the professors to the Office of Career Services, really cares about the law students. Even the law students care about the other law students, which I hear is uncommon at other law schools.

How has USF shaped your outlook on social issues? Visiting Professor Dean Strang’s Criminal Procedure course comes to mind when I think about this question. His class fostered a lot of dialogue regarding several issues with the U.S. Criminal Justice System. His class is an excellent example of how USF Law has provided me with the environment to discuss social issues, understand them, and form an educated opinion.

Liza Sternik

Liza Sternik

Why did you decide to study law? I decided to study law because familiarity with - and application of - the legal system is a valuable tool to positively influence the direction our society is heading.

How has USF shaped your outlook? Before coming to USF Law School, I assumed that attorneys on either side of an issue never worked together and were in a constant battle to win. After this academic year at USF, I realize that it's possible to successfully conduct legal proceedings while working with the opposing counsel to resolve issues, rather than against them.