Reza Dibadj
Professor Reza Dibadj’s research involves both corporate and securities law as well as administrative law and regulation. His writing focuses on two themes. The first involves the application of new tools, such as network theory, to legal analysis. The second is an exploration of different institutional choices the law has made. For instance, corporate and securities law often try to achieve similar goals, but through very different means; similarly for antitrust and regulation. For their part, corporate and administrative law each present distinct approaches to problems of governance and delegation. Which methods are preferable, and under what circumstances? These two themes converge in an attempt to propose new, welfare–enhancing, institutional arrangements for the relationship between government and business.
- Administrative Law
- Antitrust
- Business Law
- International Law and Arbitration
- Regulation
- Securities Regulation
- JD, Harvard University
- MBA, Harvard Business School
- SB, Harvard College
Prior Experience
- Visiting Professor, UC Berkeley School of Law
- Visiting Professor, UC Hastings College of the Law
- Associate Professor, University of San Francisco School of Law
- Assistant Professor, University of Miami
Awards & Distinctions
- Distinguished Professor Award, USF School of Law (2008)
- Rescuing Regulation (Albany, N.Y.: SUNY Press, 2006) (Paperback edition released June 2007.)
Law Review and Journal Articles
- “Disclosure as Delaware’s New Frontier,” Hastings Law Journal (forthcoming).
- “Crowdfunding Delusions,” 12 Hastings Business Law Journal (2015). SSRN
- “(Mis)conceptions of the Corporation,” 29 Georgia State University Law Review 731 (2013). SSRN
- “Reactionary Reform and Fundamental Error,” 39 Western State University Law Review 281 (2012).
- “Brokers, Fiduciaries and a Beginning,” 30 Boston University Review of Banking and Financial Law 1 (2012). SSRN
- “Expressive Rights for Shareholders After Citizens United?,” 46 University of San Francisco Law Review 459 (2011). (Symposium Issue: "Democracy Inc?: Citizens United, Corporate Expenditures and the Future of Campaign Finance Law.") SSRN
- “Dodd Frank: Toward First Principles,” 15 Chapman Law Review 79 (2010). (Symposium Issue: "From Wall Street to Main Street: The Future of Financial Regulation.") SSRN
- “Brokers, Fiduciaries, and a Beginning,” Boston University Review of Banking and Financial Law (forthcoming).
- “Citizens United as Corporate Law Narrative,” 16 Nexus: Chapman's Journal of Law and Policy 39 (2011). (Symposium Issue: "Citizens Divided on Citizens United: Campaign Finance Reform and the First Amendment.") SSRN
- “Conscious Parallelism Revisited,” 47 San Diego Law Review 589 (2010). SSRN
- “Four Key Elements for Successful Financial Regulatory Reform,” 6Hastings Business Law Journal 377 (2010). (Symposium Issue: "Beyond the Bailout: Risk, Responsibility, and the Road Ahead.") SSRN
- “How Does the Government Interact with Business? From History to Controversies,” 5 Entrepreneurial Business Law Journal707 (2010). (Symposium Issue: "The Relationship Between American Government and American Business") SSRN
- “An Uneasy Case for White-Collar "Martyrs",” University of San Francisco Law Review (2010). (Invited Response) SSRN
- “Networks of Heightened Scrutiny in Corporate Law,” 46 San Diego Law Review 1 (2009). SSRN
- “Anti-Monopolization Workarounds,” 17 Competition 207 (2008). ("The Cartwright Act at 100—Special Celebratory Issue") SSRN
- “A Response to Professor Catherine J.K. Sandoval's Antitrust Language Barriers,” 60 FED. COMM. L. J. F. 64 (2008).
- “Networks of Fairness Review in Corporate Law,” 45 San Diego Law Review 1 (2008). SSRN
- “Panglossian Transnationalism,” 44 Stanford Journal of International Law 253 (2008). SSRN
- “The Process-Welfare Nexus,” 33 Oklahoma City University Law Review 837 (2008). (Book Review) SSRN
- “Article 82: Gestalt, Myths, Questions,” 23 Santa Clara Computer & High Technology Law Journal 615 (2007). (Symposium Issue: "Cross-Border Legal Challenges in High Tech Law") SSRN
- “Attractive Polarities, Narrow Boundaries,” London School of Economics, Suntory and Toyota International Centres for Economics and Related Disciplines (STICERD) 75th Anniversary Conference Proceedings 472 (STICERD, 2009). (Frank Cowell & Amos Witztum, eds.) SSRN
- “Postmodernism, Representation, Law,” 29 University of Hawaii Law Review 377 (2007). SSRN
- “The Political Economy of Commercial Speech,” 58 South Carolina Law Review 913 (2007). (Symposium Issue: "Commercial Speech in an Era of Emerging Technology and Corporate Scandal") SSRN
- “From Incongruity to Cooperative Federalism,” 40 University of San Francisco Law Review 845 (2006). (Symposium Issue: "Federalism in Securities Regulation: Rethinking the Balance") SSRN
- “The Misguided Transformation of Loyalty into Contract,” 41 Tulsa Law Review 451 (2006). (Symposium Issue: “Disputed Concepts in Contemporary Business Association Law: Discussions of Fiduciary Duty and Capital Lock-In.) SSRN
- “A Modest Enterprise,” 10 Lewis & Clark Law Review 415 (2006). (Book Review) SSRN
- “Weasel Numbers,” 27 Cardozo Law Review 1325 (2006). SSRN
- “Review of Antitrust Law: Economic Theory and Common Law Evolution,” 50 Antitrust Bulletin 223 (2005). (Book Review) SSRN
- “Review of Antitrust Law: Economic Theory and Common Law Evolution,” 28 World Competition Law and Economics Review 619 (2005). (Book Review)
- “Delayering Corporate Law,” 34 Hofstra Law Review 469 (2005). SSRN
- “The Limits of Utilitarianism,” 6 Nevada Law Journal 201 (2005). (Book Review) SSRN
- “Reconceiving the Firm,” 26 Cardozo Law Review 1459 (2005). SSRN
- “Saving Antitrust,” 75 University of Colorado Law Review 745 (2004). SSRN
- “Beyond Facile Assumptions and Radical Assertions: A Case for 'Critical Legal Economics',” Utah Law Review 1155 (2003). SSRN
- “Competitive Debacle in Local Telephony: Is the 1996 Telecommunications Act to Blame?,” 81 Washington University Law Quarterly 1 (2003). SSRN
- “Regulatory Givings and the Anticommons,” 64 Ohio State Law Journal 1041 (2003). SSRN
- “Toward Meaningful Cable Competition: Getting Beyond the Monopoly Morass,” 6 New York University (N.Y.U.) Journal of Legislation & Public Policy 245 (2003). SSRN