Nursing Student listening to heart beat
Nursing, MSN

Student Projects

All students in the MSN program complete a poster as part of their final project. Here are some recent projects presented by our MSN students:

Recent Projects

  • Journey to Baby-Friendly: Standardizing Breastfeeding Education

  • Improving Food Security to Decrease Hypertension at an Urban Community Clinic

  • Enhancing Anesthesia Technician Workflow: Recommending a Standardized Checklist and Handoff Report for Improved Pediatric C-Locker Management

  • Utilizing Social Robot Dog, “Pupper,” to Improve Mood and Happiness in Pediatric Cardiac Patients

  • Enhancing Nurse Awareness of a Stroke Patient Satisfaction Survey and the Significance in Practice

  • Standardizing Lymphedema Education for Nurse Coordinators