Giving Opportunities
Your gift changes lives. An investment in USF is an investment in the future of justice, the rule of law, and the next generation of law leaders.
There are many ways that you can make a gift in support of the USF School of Law. From simply writing a check for your annual gift to including USF in your estate plan, each and every gift makes a difference. To learn more about these opportunities, please contact the USF School of Law Office of Development and External Relations at (415) 422-5457 or lawalumni@usfca.edu.
Law Assembly
The Law Assembly is the annual fund at USF School of Law. It is the lifeblood of supporting the law school, and the primary vehicle for charitable participation. Gifts to the Law Assembly support critical student-centered projects, including law clinics, law journals, domestic and international summer internships, loan repayment assistance, diversity initiatives, symposia, visiting faculty, and moot court competitions. As the foundation of alumni financial support, gifts to the Law Assembly make a critical difference in our students’ lives and in the communities we serve.
As new generations join the ranks of USF law alumni, the law school must increase efforts to engage a broader base of Law Assembly support. An active, vast alumni network creates a culture of giving that is essential to making the law school’s ambitious aspirations a reality.
Please help us ensure that our students graduate with unparalleled knowledge and experiences, ready for successful careers, by making a gift.
Gift Planning
Many of our alumni and friends have invested in the School of Law’s future by making a gift through their will, living trust, or other long-term financial plan. Smart legacy gifts provide tax benefits and help achieve financial goals. But they also empower you to do more good than you may have known was possible. Your planned gift today ensures that future generations have access to an exceptional Jesuit education at the School of Law. Learn how you can support a 100-year-old tradition of educating skilled, ethical, engaged legal professionals who are committed to the common good. Our Tax ID#: 94-1156628.
Graduating Class Gift
Each year the graduating class comes together to continue a tradition of philanthropy at USF School of Law. Graduating 3Ls and 4Ls create a legacy for their class and help future students for years to come.
An integral part of the USF School of Law is its dedicated and generous alumni who support the school by serving as moot court judges, speaking on panels, conducting mock interviews, and mentoring current students and recent graduates. As of this year, we are able to match each incoming student with an alumni mentor. Alumni also serve on the Board of Governors and the Board of Counselors.